According to statistics, currently about 25 percent of the world population suffer from fungal infections. Very often shows a nail fungus on my big toe. Onychomycosis can be in any public areas. Get it possible and when someone in the family is sick with fungus. For the treatment of nail fungus, you may need a large amount of time. In addition, the fungus can cause discomfort during everyday life.

Fungal infections much more often appears in men than in women. The elderly can get sick more often than at a young age. It is associated with the fact that due to the age the circulation is not so active as in his youth. The fungus is most often directly at the nails thumbs. This fact is explained by the fact that the thumb more space for breeding a fungal infection than a fungus enjoys. A large nail is surrounded by lots of nerve endings and blood vessels. For this reason, the fungus can cause severe pain.
A person infected with a fungus in contact with the objects, where the lives of a fungal infection. Spores on the skin or nails is able to get in public places. In addition, onychomycosis may be infected by the application of sponges, things of Slippers that were used before the patient. There are causes fungal infection on the big toe, such as:
- hyperhidrosis;
- flat feet;
- the integrity of the skin around the nail or violation of the integrity of the nail plate itself, which will quickly penetrate to the fungus;
- poor foot care;
- diaper rash;
- reduced immune power of the body;
- prolonged exposure to overly tight shoes;
- old age;
- prolonged illness (immunodeficiency, diabetes, vascular disease);
- adhesion of artificial nail plates.
Symptoms early stage
At the initial stage, the nails first becoming a slight color of pink nails they turn yellow, pale and matte. All people have pink nail plates, because the plate you can see the nail bed, which is penetrated by the vessels.
In diseases of anemia, liver, inflammatory currents in the body, lack of calcium, copper, iron, iodine, beta-carotene — onychomycosis people will notice much later. All of the above phenomena and no fungal change the tone and structure of the nail plate.
Onychomycosis most often settles in the big toe.
The initial stages of the fungus is formed in the thickness of the nail plate yellow, cavity, stains the nail starts to darken and thickens in size. It is called hyperkeratosis. The nail becomes loose, broken, foliated. Those pieces of the nail, which began to break down and become infectious pathogens. The disintegration of the nail plate is traced together with its thickening.
Often can cause cracks between the toes (typically 4th and 5th finger), the skin begins to peel away places start to itch and get annoyed.

Between nail and nail skin occurs free space. It is in this gap the fungus begins active reproduction. In the space free from the nail is dead skin, dirt, germs. Because of this, there is a painting of the nail to yellow, pale gray, in some situations, you may even gain a brown tint, in addition, produces foot odor.
Fungus, hitting the nail on the big toe, begins to secrete enzymes that contribute to its breaking. Thus, the mycosis is preparing a place for its own reproduction. Symptoms early stage practically does not manifest itself, is likely to create irritation on your toes. The next stage is the color of the nail plate changing, the plate becomes thicker. The result of the thickening is able to be brasimone nail plate of a finger.
Usually, patients rarely seek medical help in the initial stages of the disease. Usually only the ingrown nail plate makes you go to the doctor.
The affected nail starts to grow in the wrong direction, is bent and bites into the skin, forming a swelling at this place, the feeling of discomfort and pain while walking. This problem is a danger in the formation of an infectious flow in the body. Special threat ingrowth carries for people who have diabetes mellitus, it is able to cause the appearance of ulcers and gangrene of the feet.
Understand that the fungus is propagated intensively on the nails, it is possible to change the surface of the nail:
- the nail becomes thick, it produced bands of pale or yellow;
- over time, there is a disintegration of the nail plate, maybe she will disappear until the end;
- occurs detachment of the nail from skin;
- the lower part of the nail plate may turn yellow.
Drug therapies of nail fungus on the big toes of feet and hands
The result of the therapy entirely depends on how quickly people started treatment. In the initial stages of treatment the fungus will promote local products and in advanced stages, when the nail plate has grown, will assist the operational therapy. Onychomycosis on big toe can be cured with the help of special varnishes, creams and other products that are taken orally. The first forms to treat the disease within 2-3 months, and running stage will require 6-12 months.
Funds in this form is used when the fungus has penetrated not only the nail plate but also in the skin. They are quite effective, a secondary phenomenon triggered by the infrequent need to use 1-2 times a day.
The influence of varnishes is associated with softening of the nail as well as a manifestation of the disinfecting action. Lacquer gets into the plate and destroy the fungal parasite.
When the disease is already at the stage of neglect or fungus multiplies very active, the lesion becomes very large, the use of antifungals is limited not work. Tablets from onychomycosis are many and assign them obliged by a qualified doctor. These tablets there are contraindications, they should not be used in children, people with diseases of the liver and kidneys. In addition, there is a drug incompatibility with some drugs, for example, contraceptive drugs hormonal in nature.
Treatment for pregnant women

Therapy is conducted with the primary diagnosis. Only a doctor with scraping and seeding crops or DNA studies are able to establish the origin of the fungus and to determine appropriate therapy.
All fungal remedies that are used orally and distributed via the bloodstream during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited because the toxic influence on the liver women and can cause defects in the development of the baby. In addition, laser treatment of fungal infection of the nail plate.
During pregnancy and lactation shows the local and operational therapy, which can be combined.
Is considered safe only surgical method for the treatment of athlete's foot – removal of infected nail plates or parts thereof, grinding plate followed by the imposition of specialized prosthetic nail plates with dressings.
External products against mycoses – varnishes, ointments, gels, creams, have no contraindications for pregnant women, but the proportion and duration of treatment has limitations. No need to risk your health, better to consult a doctor.
The doctor will check the destination for the treatment of concentrate from the pulp of the grapefruit — 33% solution. It should drip 1 drop twice a day) on the infected area after regular treatment of nails. In addition, every 21 days should make special grinding at the clinic. Recovery occurs 4 months.
The use of external funds obligated specifically to respond the treatment plan recommended by your doctor.
Treatment of folk remedies
Daily application of iodine solution as antifungal agents, saved not only the only person from the problem. Iodine restores the infected skin between the toes. But iodine is not a panacea in the treatment of fungal diseases. Alcohol structure of iodine is able to provoke a reaction, a personal intolerance. The day before the treatment with iodine, you can place the drop on the elbow. If you do not experience any irritation or any allergic reactions, you can start the treatment with iodine.
You should apply the solution of iodine 5% 1 drop on the nail plate twice a day. You are allowed to apply for the application of the iodine on a cotton pad or cotton swab. To impregnate with iodine nails need completely. Don't forget that the iodine solution will stain your nails a yellowish color, especially the hands.
Related with infected nail should also be treated with preventive purpose – 1 drop of iodine on the nail every 2 days. You need to try to apply iodine on the skin around the nails, as can occur burns.
It is possible to use the ordinary garlic. It disinfects the surface and destroys various pathogenic microorganisms. One garlic clove needs to be cleaned, RUB on a grater, mix it is necessary to impose on the damaged plate and wrap with a bandage. The whole composition to keep the nails all night, in the morning to clean up. To do this procedure as long as the position of the nail plate improves.
Apple cider vinegar
Optimal external means to implement using Apple cider vinegar. Every day twice a day is necessary to conduct the wiping of the feet with this solution, the liquid should be applied not only to the affected areas, but the skin around them. In a basin of cool water you need to add 200 ml of vinegar. Using this method it is possible to be free from excessive sweating of the feet.
Another way to use vinegar: 200 ml of liquid must be mixed with egg and 100 g of butter. This mixture should mix well and leave overnight in a cool place. In the morning blend it is already possible to use as compresses.

To remove a fungal infection of the nails is possible with the juice of celandine from. In the same way as for the elimination of warts, it does not need to dilute with some liquid. Need to take a break of a leaf or stem of the plant, the site will start to secrete a yellow liquid, it should be rubbed into the destroyed area of the nail plate. Apply daily for 7 days, then take a break for about 3-5 days. You need to pre-test yourself for an allergic reaction, as it may produce undesirable consequences.
To eliminate the enemy fungus many people use, including coffee. This natural antioxidant helps cleanse the top layers of the skin from dead cells and spores. Brew should be very strong solution of coffee, then cool it and put it in this solution the infected limb. Need 5-10 sessions to eliminate athlete's foot.
From onychomycosis will help the bow. It should be clear from the husk, grate, mix with honey (1 spoon) and apply the mixture on the nail plate and the skin around them. Contain a couple hours each day in a few days you will notice the improvement, and after another 7 days will be symptoms of the fungus.